Let’s Stop Talking About Goals

Let’s stop talking about goals. There I said it. Like many of you, I’ve seen far too many articles posted these days that focus on goal-setting. Be honest, goal-setting is a total waste of time, unless it leads to results. It is time to shift the conversation.

Success Planning

There is an ancient Chinese proverb that says, “The best goal is no goal at all”. I would not go quite that far. However, what it means is that we should stop allowing ourselves to be limited by certain goals, and stay open to the possibilities ahead of us.

Moreover, the goals that we do set for ourselves should be grounded in reality and supported by well documented plans for success. Let’s face it, even S.M.A.R.T. goals are dumb if there are no written, actionable plans to move us from where we are today, to where we want to go. Far too many people use goals as little more than a conversation starter that leads to nowhere.

“In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

This is what I have come to believe, there is no preordained master plan for our lives, at least not in the secular world anyway. That responsibility rests with each one of us. God gave us life, free will, native intelligence, and the capacity for growth. It is up to us to author our own story. And developing YOUR personal plan for success is a great way to bring that story to life.

Success plans are exactly what they imply. They are the building blocks that will enable us to develop a roadmap to achieve our goals in a balanced way. My online course, Discover YOUR Formula for Success https://www.udemy.com/discover-your-formula-for-success/ can aid in this process.

Goals are limited to the ‘what’, and only provide us a mental image of the possibilities. However, they don’t address the ‘why’ or the ‘how’ that drives motivation, execution and results. Success plans, on the other hand, help to ignite transformation and change, and are the driving force for making our vision of the future a reality.

While having clear-cut goals is important, success plans and results are the true yardsticks by which we measure our accomplishments. As Brian Tracy once said, “Your life only begins to become a great life when you clearly identify what it is that you want, make a plan to achieve it and then work on that plan every single day.”

Remember … “A goal without a plan is just a wish”. If you want to achieve success and have a great life – plan for it, then make it happen! Stay open to the possibilities ahead of you, and spend more time doing and less time talking about your goals and wishing they would come true. It’s your choice.

Enjoy the journey!



COPYRIGHT © 2015 John Carroll