Earlier this week we said farewell to one of the great motivational speakers and inspirational leaders of all time, when Zig Ziglar passed away. Through his books, cassettes, CD’s, public speaking and personal development programs, Mr. Ziglar has been an inspiration to millions of people around the world.
I first had the opportunity to hear him speak at a one-day business conference in Kansas City over 35 years ago. Mr. Zig Ziglar, along with Art Linkletter and Dr. Norman Vincent Peale, were all electrifying that day. The sold out crowd of several thousand people who attended the conference, like me, were spellbound by the presentations of these great inspirational leaders and came away from the event “on fire”.
Although I did not meet him in person at the event, Zig Ziglar’s books, cassettes and The Performance Planner have helped shape my personal and professional life through the years. What has also stayed with me through most of my adult life was his most inspirational quote …
“Help enough people to get what they want, and you can have everything in life you want.”
Not only are these powerful words of wisdom, but I believe they are the very essence of what he stood for, and how he lived his life, by helping others get what they want.
About two years ago, I was finally able to connect with him in person when I had the privilege to attend a breakfast meeting at the Zig Ziglar Corporation headquarters in Plano, Texas. I sat next to Mr. Ziglar and after introducing myself I ask him for directions to the “Rest Room”. And I will never forget his response; he just smiled mischievously and replied, “Oh, are you tired, do you need to lie down?” That moment was priceless for me, and so reflective of his quick wit and enormous charm.
I can think of no better way to honor Zig Ziglar’s memory, his wonderful family and his legacy than by dedicating ourselves to help others through his example.
COPYRIGHT © 2012 John Carroll